Define a noisy sandal ? Is it the fall of the heel on the stairs ? Is it the weight it carries that makes it noisy? Is it only the wooden type they are talking about or are any flip flop types worn loosely to be banned?
Try to walk down any stairs without making noise in Positano -unless you are wearing closed rubber shoes, it's almost impossible.
What are they going to do? 'Take your shoes off Signora or I'll have to fine you?'
What about the noise of the mopeds ? Don't they merit a legislation? The traffic noise in paese can be a nightmare to those living in houses along the street, definitely drowning out the sound of zoccoli.
Personally, I like zoccoli. I can hear people approaching in my very quiet area of Positano. I can peek out up the stairs, to see if the arrivals are waylaid tourists or that someone I have been waiting for all morning.
In fact, if they are trespassers or someone wishing to relieve themselves in our garden,
I hereby declare that they are not allowed to put one foot forward into our property without a noisy sole beneath it !

No ball games allowed on the beach either!
Is there a Dr Scholls outlet in Positano? If so, maybe you could start a counter revolution?
i Flippi Floppi, as my mom calls them...I think they're just bored and had to make up some kinda by- law because they couldn't think of the "no ball on the beach" one like you
anything for a buck eh? Have a wonderful your pictures and blog!
I have been enjoying your blog. I can't believe this what will l do when l return :)
Sally - I think people buy them in Sorrento. Positano has the dainty type of sandals -have to stomp harder.
Lucia- Aussie call them thongs!
confessions of cleopantha- I'm glad you stopped to comment. Now I can read yours...
Can you imagine if the law was no thongs!!!! Some women would be going around without their mutandini (underwear) in
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